Everyone dreams of having the perfect job that lets us make time for our friends and family, pays well, and allows us to live life comfortably. When entering the workforce, alongside all your fellow graduates and thousands of other competitors, this can seem like a nearly impossible goal. This can lead to many recent graduates giving up their career search entirely, instead turning to retail, working at a restaurant, or another job in order to pay their bills. Graduates shouldn’t lose help just yet, though. With a few tweaks and additions, you’ll be sure to create a resume that helps you land that coveted job.


Resumes have become the backbone of the hiring process and are the most effective way to show off your skills and experience. Without one, you will be unable to properly illustrate your abilities to potential employers. You want your resume to stand out from all the others. With a great resume, a college graduate will no longer fear the journey of the job search.



Resume Writing Tip #1


Having a specific focus is vital for your resume. It should be clearly stated what you want to accomplish in your career and how exactly you make an impact on the company. Having an objective section is what can help set your resume apart from the ones that do not have one. Many hiring managers and career counselors have spoken to the importance of an objective statement.


There are many different ways to state an objective statement, but you want your resume to be able to stand on its own as a document. You shouldn’t rely solely on a cover-letter because there is a chance that the employer may not even look at it. (This isn’t a risk you should count on, and you should still make sure to have a killer cover-letter.) The most common strategy is to write an objective statement that is for your benefit, what you want to get out of the company, and how you will contribute and use your skills. An objective will be much more influential if it is for the company’s benefit. You want to tie your statement directly to the organization and position you are applying for. Highlight ideas like “to increase sales”, “improve department efficiency”, or “increase market share”.



Resume Writing Tip #2


One of the best resume writing tips one can apply to themselves is to have someone else review their resume for thirty seconds and say what parts jumped out to them the most. This will show if the layout needs to be changed, if anything important is missing, and if the parts that you want the employer to notice are popping out at the reader. It is also wise to stick to one page, that way the company does not feel they are reading a book, and they can quickly see how you will benefit the company. Always be sure to show what you bring to the table for the company. While your objective statement should cover this, your experiences should also touch on the topic.


Companies are constantly on the search for employees who can bring energy, reliability, maturity, and commitment to the workplace. If you are a student, or recent graduate, who doesn’t have much work experience, you can discuss activities or volunteer work you participated in your resume to show you obtain these qualities. Make these aspects visible with different fonts and formatting, but don’t overdo it.



These resume writing tips should help you on your journey to creating a resume perfect for you. Remember, even if a resume is of utmost quality, it is still unlikely to get you the job on its own. A well-done resume will give you a leg up before it’s time for an interview, but it is key that you properly prepare beforehand.